Request Batch Transfer

Use this API to initiate transfers to multiple beneficiaries. This API accepts an array of transfer objects under the batch field.


Click here to view details about batch format.

Batch Format

Value Description
BENEFICIARY_IDWith this value, beneId and transferMode must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array alphanumeric and underscore allowed (60 character limit) If batchFormat is set to any of the below values, transfers will only be processed via specified mode.
BANK_ACCOUNTWith this value, Additional details such as bankAccount, ifsc, name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
UPIWith this value, Additional details such as vpa, name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
PAYTMWith this value, Additional details such as name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
AMAZONPAYWith this value, Additional details such as name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
Click to view the details of transfer objects.

Transfer Object

Field Name Description
transferIdA unique transfer id.
amountAmount to be transferred.
beneIdThe ID of the beneficiary. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BENEFICIARY_ID.
transferModeRequired only when batchFormat is set to BENEFICIARY_ID, mode of transfer for each transfer in batch needs to be set. Allowed values are: banktransfer, upi, paytm, and amazonpay
bankAccountBank account number for payout. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
ifscIFSC of the corresponding bank account. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
vpa (optional) VPA of the corresponding user. This field must be passed if the batch format option is UPI.
nameName of the account holder. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
email (optional) Email of the beneficiary. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
phoneThe phone of the beneficiary. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT/PAYTM/AMAZONPAY.
remarks (optional) Remarks, if any.

Body Params

batchTransferId string required

Unique Id of the Batch Transfer, alphanumeric and underscore allowed (60 character limit)

batchFormat string required

Format of the batch transfers, valid values are, BENEFICIARY_ID, BANK_ACCOUNT, UPI, PAYTM, AMAZONPAY.

deleteBene integer

Flag to delete and read new beneficiaries if a beneficiary with the same Beneficiary Id is available. When the batch transfer format is BANK_ACCOUNT

batch array of objects required

An array of transfer objects.

Click here to see the object feilds.
transferId     string     required
A unique ID to identify this transfer. Alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore (_) allowed (40 character limit).
amount     double     required
Amount to be transferred. Number (>=1)
remarks     string
Any remarks if required.
name     string
Beneficiary Id. Alphanumeric characters allowed.
email     string
It is the name of the beneficiary. A maximum of 100 characters are allowed.
phone     string
Beneficiary email address, string in email Id format (Ex: - should contain @ and dot (.) - (200 character limit)
amount     string
Beneficiary phone number, phone number registered in India (only digits, 8 - 12 characters after stripping +91)
bankAccount     string
Beneficiary bank account (9 - 18 alphanumeric character limit)
ifsc     string
Accounts IFSC (standard IFSC format) - length 11, first four bank IFSC and 5th digit 0.
vpa     string
Beneficiary VPA, alphanumeric, dot (.), hyphen (-), at sign (@), and underscore () allowed (100 character limit). Note: underscore () and dot (.) gets accepted before and after at sign (@), but hyphen (-) get only accepted before at sign (@)
transferMode     string
It is the mode of transfer. Allowed values are: banktransfer, neft, imps, rtgs, upi, paytm, and amazonpay. The default transferMode is banktransfer.




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