Add Beneficiary

Use this API to add a beneficiary to your Payervault account by providing the bank account number, IFSC, and other required details. Before you request a transfer, ensure the account has been successfully added as a beneficiary.


Request Body Parameters

beneId string required

Unique Beneficiary ID to identify the beneficiary. Alphanumeric and underscore ( _ ) allowed (50 character limit)

name string required

It is the name of the beneficiary. A maximum of 100 characters are allowed. Alphabets, numbers, white spaces ( ), and special characters are allowed.

email string required

Beneficiaries email, string in email Id format (Ex: - should contain @ and dot (.) - (200 character limit)

phone string required

Beneficiaries phone number, phone number registered in India (only digits, 8 - 12 characters after stripping +91)

bankAccount string

Beneficiary bank account (9 - 18 alphanumeric character limit)

ifsc string

Accounts IFSC (standard IFSC format) - length 11, first four bank IFSC and 5th digit 0

vpa string

Beneficiary VPA, alphanumeric, dot (.), hyphen (-), at sign (@), and underscore () allowed (100 character limit). Note: underscore () and dot (.) gets accepted before and after at sign (@), but hyphen (-) get only accepted before at sign (@)

address1 string required

Beneficiaries address, alphanumeric and space allowed (but script, HTML tags gets sanitized or removed) (150 character limit)

address2 string

Beneficiary address, alphanumeric and space allowed (but script, HTML tags gets sanitized or removed) (150 character limit)

city string

Beneficiary city, only alphabets and white space (50 character limit)

state string

Beneficiary state, only alphabets and white space (50 character limit)

pincode string

Beneficiaries pincode, only numbers (6 character limit)
